By the end of this boot camp, you will
By the end of this boot camp, you will have a great understanding of the following tools
? Linux ? Bash ? Git ? Basics of Networking ? Docker ? Docker compose ? Jenkins ? Ansible ? Terraform ? Grafana ? Prometheus ? Kubernetes ? ArogCD
By the end of this boot camp, you will have a great understanding of the following cloud.
? AWS: ? VPC ? EC2 ALB ? ASG ? S3 ? CDN ? Route53 ? EKS
Week-1 (operating system) ? Orientation ? AWS account setup ? Understand Linux and learn basics commands ? Understand file permissions and user management. ? Familiarization with package management and software installation ? Master the Bash scripting language ? Automate repetitive tasks using shell scripts.
Week-2 (webservers) ? Understand webservers ? Understand Nginx and Apache2 ? Deployments of Servers (LAMP and LEMP) ? Host WordPress website using Nginx and Apache2 ? Host Laravel website using Nginx and Apache2
Week-3 (containerization) ? Setting Up Docker and Docker Compose on Linux Server ? Understand Docker concepts ? Look into Docker Architecture ? Docker Volumes ? Bind Mounts ? Networking ? Writing custom docker files ? Pushing Docker images to ? Understand Docker compose ? Hands-on project to Containerize a Laravel application using docker and docker-compose
Week-4 (Monitoring and Configuration Management) ? Deployments of Analytical tools like (Graffana, Zabbix, Nagios) ? General Troubleshooting and debugging ? Set up Jenkins and automate the deployment process. ? Understand Ansible roles and Playbooks ? Writing playbooks to setup lemp stack on different servers
Week-5 (Cloud Provider) ? Looked into AWS concepts ? Understand VPC, Subnets, NACLs, Security Groups ? Understand ALB, ASG, Route53, CDN ? Understand S3, RDS, and Elasticache ? Host a sample website on AWS, the website must be scalable and fault tolerant
Week-6 (Infrastructure as a Code) ? Understand Terraform and its different concepts ? Variables ? Provider ? Module ? State ? Resources ? Data Sources ? Plan ? Apply ? Hands-on Project involving terraform, docker, and different AWS services
Week-7 (container orchestration) ? Deep understanding of Kubernetes ? K8’s architecture ? Node ? Cluster ? Pod ? Namespaces ? Deployment ? ReplicaSet ? DaemoSet ? StatefulSet ? HorizontalPodAutoScaler ? PodDisruptionBudget ? Job ? CronJob ? Configmaps ? Secrets ? Ingress ? Service ? RBAC
Week-8 (GitOps Principle) ? Understand Gitops Principles ? Understand ArgoCD ? Setup Argocd ? Look into Various ArgoCD concepts like Application, Applicationset, etc ? Finding a good Job
For Registration and info:Please feel free to contact at [email protected] or Cell:03225100623
Mr. Zartash Aslam is working as a DevOps engineer, at EPMG Labs. He has extensive experience in automating, building, and maintaining the infrastructure and deployment processes of software applications.